Frequently Asked Questions

How do you pronounce your name?

It is phonetically exact: Stah-see-uh

Am I Ready to Be a Homeowner?

You are the only one who can answer that! Speaking with a lender, making a list of responsibilities as a homeowner, and trusting your circle are all things that will help you here!

Is Renting or Buying Better?

Why pay someone else’s mortgage when you could pay your own? I will always support purchasing real estate as an investment in yourself and your future.

Do I Need a Home Warranty?

There are some great companies that offer 12-14 month Home Warranties for a great price. I always suggest purchasing this extra layer of protection if the home is older, if the Buyer is a little nervous about homeownership, or if there are concerns during the inspection. The Home Warranty does not replace Home Insurance, it is just an added layer of coverage. 

What Should I Expect at Closing?

The day of closing we will meet at the Title Company! You will sign *many* documents and the Deed will be transferred into or out of your name, depending on if you are buying or selling.

What Is a Pre-approval and why do I need it?

A Pre-approval means that you are qualified to purchase! For your sake as a Buyer, we want to know what you can afford financially and where you are comfortable with numbers-wise. There is nothing worse than falling in love with a house out of your price range.  I work with awesome lenders if you need some guidance in finding the perfect fit for you!

Can I Ask You for Advice?

ALL THE TIME! I absolutely love answering questions and helping guide people when it comes to real estate!

Let's Find You The Place You Deserve!